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Sunday 3 October 2010

Indian Sports Legends Awards by CNN IBN

It was a great positive event by CNN IBN channel to organize Indian Sports Legends award function for all the sports icons in India from all the sporting events.

This is a kind of unique event and brought all the sports icons under the same roof, whom we have already forgetten long back. We always get carried away by mega film functions and cricket events ignoring who really contributed and spread the glory of the nation throughout the world.

This event definitely showcases the talent pool, we really have. These sports persons are ready to contribute their services to the nation. Some have already started training Academies to coach and make their students the future stars in those sporting events.

But, unfortunate thing is the lack of motivation and directionless efforts from the Government to recognize these talented few and grow their community and fraternity. Lack of genuine corporate interest to encourage.
Incapable Federations, selfish buerocrates and corrupted politicians are the main culprits of the current situation.

We might even get surprised by the way some of these legends became victims of the politics just because they were not part of it also how their career is spoiled or totally ignored.

Jaspal Rana from shooting, Kapildev, captain from world cup winning team and Aslam Sher Khan from hockey world cup winning team in 1975 are few of the players (though the list is endless) who haven't got enough recognition for their contributions.

Also, encouraging the talent is just not spending the money the way we have spent on CWG. As most of these players are not looking for the money than signs of appreciation and recognition.

But, hope we can see similar events and genuine interest by the government as well and other organizers to encourage and motivate the future generations to contirbute to the glory of the nation.

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