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Wednesday 27 January 2010

Loading Transaction data in SAP BI Infocubes


Please find the simple steps while loading transaction data into Infocube in SAP BI 7.0.

Loading Transaction Data into Infocube:

1. Create Flat file with .csv extension and save it on either desktop or application server.

2. Create / Maintain Infoarea.

Create New infoarea or use existing Infoarea depending on requirement.

Create/Maintain Infoobject catalog for characteristics and Keyfigures

Select characteristic or keyfigure to create new infoobject catalog.

Or Use existing Infoobject catalog.

Click on create icon to create new infoobject catalog, check and activate

Create Info Objects with attributes.

Create Info Objects for Characters and Keyfigures.(select the relevant infoobject catalog (char or keyfigure), right click and create infoobject .

(If required create InfoArea, Infoobject catalogs)

Also, Create InfoObjects for Unit, CCY and Time characteristics.

Path : RSD1 - select ccy/unit/time characteristics and create Infoobjects relevant(if required).

3. Create Infocube

Path : RSA1 - Modeling - Infoprovider - select Infoarea - Right click - select 'Create Infocube'.

1. Give Technical name and description

2. Create Dimensions and right click the dimension and select Infoobject direct input.

3. Include the characteristics required in the infocube.

4. select keyfigures and include keyfigures required by selecting 'infoobject direct input'.

5. If there are any time characteristics right click and include the objects in it.

6. Check and activate the infocube.

. Create Datasource:

a. Create Application component if required or use existing Application Components.

Path : RSA1- modeling- Datasource - Application Component.

b. Create Data source:

Right click on Application component - select Create Datasource - Give Technical name - Source system name and select type of data : Transaction Data and Enter.

c. Now In General tab give Short/Long/Medium descriptions.

d. In Extraction tab Give file path, type of file : CSV , Data separator : , Escape sign : "

e. in Proposal tab we can propose the source fields.

f. In Fields tab we can map the source system fields to InfoObjects and it should be the same order as we have in source system flat file.

g. Check and activate the Data source and goto Preview tab and click on preview to see the data.

5. Create Infopackage:

Now right click on created data source and select 'create infopackage' to give selection and load data into PSAin BI system.

a. Give Description of the Info package name and continue

b. In Selections if required give the data selections to be loaded.

c. Select Extraction tab and the selections are from the Datasource it self. no need to make any changes.

d. Goto Processing tab, and the option by default 'only PSA' as PSA has been made mandatory in BI 7.0

e. Data Target will be Infocube.

f. Update mode we can select either full or Delta

g. Go to Schedule tab and click on start to load data from Source system till PSA.

h. To see load status go to monitor and check whether load is successful.

i. Go to PSA icon to see the data available in PSA.

6. Create Transformation:

a. Goto Infocube we are loading the Transaction data in Infoprovider tab and right click on Infocube

and select 'create Transformation'.

b. Now we have to give the source system name and data source name

then, do the mapping either direct assignment / constant/routine/ masterdata lookup/formula.

c. Check and activate the Transformation.

7. Create DTP( Data Transfer Process):

a. Right click on Infoobject attributes again (path is Same as above) select create DTP.

b. Same selections and activate and Execute.

c. System will prompt to see monitor screen. Select OK and see the data status.

d. Check the load status and goto Data target administration icon to see the actual data.



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